Csaual Nerding Media Group

A Quick Update

Things are proceeding apace. I have some things in the meatspace that are in flux at the moment, and I still need to rebuild my streaming studio. I'm really hoping to be back to streaming on a regular basis early in the new year at the latest.

Thank you all for your support and kind words as I get things going again.

Stuff is Happening

I spent a good bit of time today working on backend stuff for the website.
I now have email! Direct your inquiries to Sean [at] casualnerding [dot] com.
Oh! And a Discord!! Come say hello!

Mind the Mess


I'm working on getting the studio and the website set back up. Regrettably I did have to step away from the hobby to address some big changes to my career. Now that things are settling down, I'll be making more time for hobbies. Thank you so much for your support during my off time, and for sticking with me during these changes. Stay tuned for more details coming soon.